
Kenya Has the Cleanest Air in the World

Sitting pretty on your spotless, asphalt-paved street celebrating the longest summer day? Dutch cleanliness might be a cherished illusion because Kenya boasts the cleanest air in the world, closely followed by neighbouring Tanzania and Ethiopia!

Charlie's Travels | Blog | Kenya Has the Cleanest Air in the World

The Cleanest Air in Kenya

You probably didn’t see this coming… It turns out the Dutch could learn a thing or two from Kenyans. According to Newsweek, Kenya ranks number one in the list of countries with the cleanest air globally. The Netherlands? A modest 32nd place. The purest air can mostly be found in Sub-Saharan Africa, meaning right here with us! For a daily live index on air pollution, check this out.  

Clean Air in Urban Areas

Air pollution tends to be highest in urban environments, and unfortunately, Nairobi is no exception. However, we snagged third place today for clean air in cities, trailing behind Oslo, Norway, and Lima, Ecuador. Off-the-beaten-track charm? We’re still unrivalled, of course.

World Health Organisation (WHO)

concern for our planet—but you probably knew that already. They also reported an 8% increase in global air pollution between 2009 and 2017. That’s a steep rise. So, if you’re planning to visit us, consider flying sustainably—try GreenSeat, for example. The WHO also estimates that air pollution claims at least 7 million lives annually. This sobering reality not only causes immense human suffering but also costs governments an enormous amount of money. If that’s not motivation enough to make a change, we don’t know what is. We’re all in!

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